Super Seniors Men’s League

SUPER SENIORS MEN’S LEAGUE This year, Super Seniors will be held each Wednesday

morning beginning at 8:30 AM from June 5th to September 4th inclusive. The Super

Seniors (Ages 60 ) get together and play 9 holes. This is a great opportunity to meet and

socialize with other seniors while you enjoy the camaraderie and at the same time, stay fit

and active. All of the competitions and scoring are based on net scoring so every member

has a chance to win regardless of your current skill level. The draw is done randomly to

ensure that the groups are different each week. This year, there will be a $45 fee to be paid

at the beginning of the season if you wish to play in the Super Seniors’ League. The

registration fee will be used to fund the prize pool and the end of year banquet. If

interested, join us on Super Seniors Opening day on June 5th. There will be more

information forthcoming on this fun league in May 2024.


Jun 05 2024


8:30 am - 11:30 am


Chester Golf Club


Alex Egan