Tuesday morning League

Tuesday Morning League


Women’s Tuesday Morning League

About The League

The Women’s Tuesday Morning League (TML) is open to members of CGC and we encourage all women members to consider joining. It is a great way to renew old friendships or start new ones, hone your skills and enjoy our beautiful course on a regular basis. 

Weekly participants may play 9 or 18 holes of golf. Games include a variety of fun and competitive formats and a monthly 4-person best ball scramble. If you do not wish to compete, no problem, come out to play, have fun but do not hand in your scorecard after the round. Keep in mind the games are handicapped which ensures a fair and fun competition and allows golfers at different levels to play together. We encourage all golfers to maintain a handicap. All you need to do is post your weekly scores on the Golf Canada website!* 

League play typically begins mid-May and continues to a closing scramble in late September. All tee times begin at 08:30. Following the round, we encourage participants to retire to the Clubhouse to socialize over refreshments and maybe some lunch!

Our team of dedicated volunteer hosts work very hard to organize weekly play, manage player communications, welcome golfers and award prizes. 

The annual fee to join the league is $20.00 which is used to fund weekly prizes from June 4th to September 24th, as well as other activities. 

*While maintaining a golf handicap may seem intimidating to some, it is easy to do and can be accomplished in as few as three rounds of golf.  Please refer to the section below for more information on establishing and maintaining your handicap. 

How to Join 

The TML Coordinator and Hosts are looking forward to seeing both familiar and new faces come out for a round of golf on Tuesday morning. CGC women members who wish to join the Tuesday Morning League have two payment options:

  • Online payment through the CGC website:

This is the PREFERRED method of payment and can be done when you renew your golf club membership or at any time follow the steps below:

  1. Select “Online services”
  2. Select “ Membership, Services and Packages”
  3. Scroll down to “Backshop and Other”
  4. Select “Women’s Division League Fee” (NOTE: This IS the fee for the Tuesday Morning League)
  5. $20.00 will be added to your cart which can be paid online. 
  • E-Transfer
  • Please include your name, email address, telephone number and TML fee in the message section of the e-transfer. 

League Schedule

Weekly invitations to register for the games will be sent to TML members in an email from Golf Genius.  Select “playing” to join the fun. 

A detailed schedule to follow.

*Maintaining Your Golf Handicap



Tuesday June 4, 2024 –

International Women’s Golf Day

It was a beautiful day to celebrate International Women’s Golf Day and 82 women showed their pride by wearing red and white on the course!

Everyone who participated was welcomed at the first tee by our Tuesday Morning League hosts and was given an IWGD gift bag of goodies.

The four person teams consisted of members, new, experienced and non- members. Each team member chose three clubs and a putter for this special scramble game. This fun format also had several special hol events and a couple advantage holes for a perfect roll.

After the game many women joined their teammates and others in the Clubhouse for lunch and socializing!

A special thank you to Alex Egan, Dan Fraser, Jake Ward, Matt Blackburn, Joanna Neilson and all the staff at the CGC for their support with this event!

Hope to see you all again next year for another IWGD celebration!

Sherry Brine

Tuesday Morning League Coordinator